Nutrition for life


Brand refresh and art direction, created with Biggie Smalls


The challenge

Led by nature and backed by science, Nuzest is a health and nutrition specialist developing high quality plant-based proteins and health supplements for a wide range of customers from families to fitness enthusiasts. Founded by father and daughter team Trevor and Monique Bolland, they believe that a good diet is the foundation for a great life. Our role was to revitalise the brand for global markets to reflect a new range of packaging developed by Squad Ink.

The result

Using the established brand idea, “Nutrition for Life” we explored a series of creative executions that demonstrated how the brand could come to life off pack. From advertising and comms to product brochures and social, we set out to create a purpose driven brand that felt young at heart and good for the soul.


Concept One

Everyday Actives
The concept celebrates an ‘everyday active’ attitude to life through a rich and colour-saturated photographic style. It puts ‘Nutrition For Life’ front and centre throughout the brand’s messaging. The concept also demonstrates a more flexible design system through the use of a refined leaf-inspired graphic device.

Concept Two

The Best Of You
This concept champions the idea that Nuzest is a brand that brings out the best in everyone. Through a bold and playful typographic style and minimal use of leaf-inspired graphic device, it emphasises you can always be at your personal best with Nuzest.

Concept Three

Shakin’ Things Up
This concept dials up the ‘feel-good’ factor through a playful and colourful portrait-focused photographic style, energetic typography and a life-positive tone of voice.


Nik Bragg (Creative Director)


Reverse Mentors

