Giving finance a friendly face

Start Smart

Identity and art direction for CommBank, created with Re Sydney


The challenge

CommBank’s Start Smart program seeks to change the way young people learn about finance through a series of free workshops. It reaches over 250,000 students, making it the largest program of its kind on the world. Start Smart needed an identity that would counter perceptions that the world of finance is too complicated and boring for young brains.

The result

We created a series of faces aimed at different age groups, using the kind of objects they would spend their money on. By spelling out the connection between money and life, the identity made Start Smart instantly relatable for kids of all ages. The project was rolled out across website, newsletters, literature and worksheets.  



Colin Cornwell (Associate Creative Director), Amy Tasker (Senior Designer), Judy McLaughlan (Finished Artist) and Pete Daly (Photographer)


University of Queensland


Rest Super